Evaluating the impact of long cargo dwell time on port performance: an evaluation model of Douala International Terminal in Cameroon
cargo, dwell time, quay, port, port performance, terminal operationsAbstract
Create as part of the concession agreement signed by the Container Terminal 28 June 2004 with the port of Douala international terminal (DIT) Company aims to manage, operate and develop the Port’s container handling activity in Douala. This paper investigates the main factors explaining long container dwell times in Douala Port. Using original and extensive data on container imports in the Port of Douala, it seeks to provide a basic understanding of why containers stay on average more than two weeks in port space while long dwell times are widely recognized as a critical hindrance to economic development. It also demonstrates the interrelationships that exist between logistics performance of consignees, operational performance of port operators and efficiency of customs clearance operations. Shipment level analysis is used to identify the main determinants of long cargo dwell times and the impact of shipment characteristics such as fiscal regime, density of value, bulking and packaging type, last port of call, and region of origin or commodity group on cargo dwell time in ports is tested. External factors, such as performance of clearing and forwarding agents, shippers and shipping line strategies, also play an important role in the determination of long dwell times.
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