Study of the logistics factors that Influence the development of e-commerce services in the customer’s opinion
e-commerce, customer satisfaction, logistics aspect, courier company, delivery timeAbstract
Recent years have seen a dynamic growth of ecommerce. This links to technological developments, an increase in the number of people who have access to and actively use the Internet, and the use of mobile devices. The aim of the paper is to present the results of a questionnaire survey of the factors behind the development of e-commerce services. In an analysis of the factors behind the development of e-commerce services, note should be made of the customer’s needs which will be the core of their opinions. The paper analyses factors of development of e-commerce services such as: frequency of internet shopping, logistic aspects of e-commerce services, and the criteria for the evaluation of quality of e-commerce services based on customer satisfaction. The five aspects of logistics in e-commerce taken into consideration included reliability of the supply, completeness of the supply, shipping price, delivery time, and the choice of courier company. Besides, the paper defines the interdependence between the frequency of internet shopping and the logistic aspects of e-commerce. A hierarchy is also established of the degree of satisfaction as regards the quality criteria of e-commerce services. The analysis covers data from a questionnaire survey of 100 customers using ecommerce in Poland. The respondents were customers using e-commerce services aged between 20 and 24. The questionnaire was based on a five-point Likert-type scale of between 1 and 5. The survey was qualitative and nationwide. The analysis was done using the Statistica 10 software. The Pearson correlation was chosen from amongst the methods available to determine the impact between the surveyed variables. Firms that provide e-commerce services aim to fulfil the ever increasing needs and expectations of their customers. They attach a lot of importance to the quality of customer service which is demonstrated by the high scores awarded by the respondents.
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