Simulation model of transport system of Poland as a tool for developing sustainable transport


  • Marianna Jacyna Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Transport, Warsaw, Poland Author
  • Mariusz Wasiak Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Transport, Warsaw, Poland Author
  • Konrad Lewczuk Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Transport, Warsaw, Poland Author
  • Michał Kłodawski Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Transport, Warsaw, Poland Author



EMITRANSYS, proecological transport system, simulation model, Visum


Paper presents features of simulation model of proecological transport system on the example of Poland. Model allows computational experimentation and inference on transport modal split and emission of pollution in national transport system. Particular elements of the model are characterized: transport networks for different modes, stock of vehicles, demand model for passenger and freight transport, and mechanism of material and passenger flows distribution into a network. Characteristics describing infrastructure, vehicles, and harmful compounds of exhaust gases are given. Model is implemented in PTV VISUM. Road and rail vehicles for passenger and freight transport are characterized and divided into groups according to types. The demand for transport services and emission of exhaust gases components are reflected in model of proecological transport system of Poland. The last part of paper presents exemplary results of research on estimating emission from transport activities.


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How to Cite

Jacyna, M., Wasiak, M., Lewczuk, K., & Kłodawski, M. (2014). Simulation model of transport system of Poland as a tool for developing sustainable transport. Archives of Transport, 31(3), 23-35.


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