Using the Petri nets for forming the technological lines of the passenger trains processing in Ukraine
passenger complexes, passenger technical station, Petri nets, simulation model, technological lineAbstract
Despite the large number of publications, which authors use the mathematical apparatus of Petri nets for the transportation systems studies, there are still no such researches of technological processing lines for passenger trains on the territory of passenger complexes that aim to improve trains processing technology. In this article, we present simulation models of technological processing lines for passenger trains of different categories developed with the use of Petri nets. The structure of proposed simulation models is based on real time parallel-operating objects. Such an approach allows maximizing similarity of developed models and the simulated objects; in this way we achieve the increased adequacy of the obtained models. The article presents an interface of developed models and examples of their functioning under conditions of different input parameters, as well as the results of their use in order to reduce the passenger trains processing time. The proposed models are generic and could be applied for simulation of passenger trains processing at any station of Ukraine.
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