Evaluation of ecological extremes of vehicles in road emission tests
exhaust emission, passenger cars, real driving emissions, optimizationAbstract
New testing procedures for determining road emissions of exhaust pollutants for passenger vehicles were established in 2018. New road testing procedures are designed to determine actual exhaust emissions, which may not always reflect laboratory emissions. Test procedures for the emission of pollutants in real traffic conditions are divided into four stages. The latest research on the emission of pollutants from motor vehicles in road traffic conditions, carried out using mobile measuring systems, reflects the actual ecological state of vehicles. The article compares the results of exhaust emissions obtained in road tests using the latest legislative proposals for passenger cars. Then, an attempt was made to determine the engine operating parameters in which exhaust road emission would be the lowest. Solution scenarios were defined as part of permissible changes to dynamic parameters that are included in European legislation on RDE testing. For this purpose, an optimization tool was used, allowing on the basis of given input data to determine the minimum objective function, defined as the smallest emission value of individual harmful compounds. The results of the exhaust gas emissions in the RDE test were used to determine the road emissions of individual harmful compounds. A thorough analysis of the emission intensity of individual compounds has shown that it is possible to approximate such values using functional rela-tionships or adopting them as a constant value. This division was used to determine the extremes (in this case the minima) of the objective function (minimum road emissions of harmful exhaust components). This task resulted in obtaining (within the permissible tolerances of all driving parameters and durations of individual road test sections) the value of exhaust emissions in the range from 26% to 81% lower than in the actual road test. This means that there is a tolerance range, where you can obtain the value of emissions in road tests. As a result, you can use the process of determining the minimum emissions tests RDE calibration of the drive units already at the stage of preparation so that in the real traffic conditions characterized by the lowest exhaust emissions.
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