Analysis of travel behaviour in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia: an application of the theory of planned behaviour
public transport, private car, travellers, Theory of Planned Behaviour, TPB, Structural Equation Modelling, Petaling JayaAbstract
In order to understand travellers’ willingness to use the train in Petaling Jaya, this study adds four predictors - situational factors, trust, novelty seeking and external influence - to the existing model of theory of planned behaviour (TPB). The study collected research data from employees in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, resulting in valuable data of 400 participants. Results indicate that attitude, perceived behavioural control, and subjective norm are found to have positive effects on the behavioural intention of taking the train. Furthermore, novelty seeking and external influence also have positive influences on attitude. While the three antecedents of trust were found to have an indirect positive effect on commuters’ intention to take the train via attitude, subjective norm and PBC. Situational factors were found to have an indirect negative significant influence on people’s intention to take the train through perceived behavioural control.
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