Optimisation of the railway transition curves' shape with use of vehicle-track dynamical model


  • Krzysztof Zboiński Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Transport Author
  • Piotr Woźnica Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Transport Author




optimisation, numerical simulation, transition curves, railway vehicle dynamics, vehicle-track interactions


The concept and the method by present authors of searching for proper shape of transition curves are described in present paper. Short literature survey provides a background for such description. In the concept and method the advanced dynamical model of vehicle-track system, capable of simulation, and mathematically understood optimisation methods are exploited. Polynomial transition curve of any order can be optimised with the method proposed. Components of angular velocity and acceleration of transportation are presented for such curve in the paper. Thanks to them kinematical properties of the curve are represented in precise way in the dynamical model. As concerns the method, its principles and the most important details are discussed in the paper. Information about the method is extended by description of the software built to carry out the curve formation (optimisation) effectively. At the end, examples of the results generated by this software are presented and discussed.


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How to Cite

Zboiński, K., & Woźnica, P. (2010). Optimisation of the railway transition curves’ shape with use of vehicle-track dynamical model. Archives of Transport, 22(3), 387-407. https://doi.org/10.2478/v10174-010-0024-z


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