Conception of "4 goals and 3 levels" in risk management in road transport systems


  • Andrzej Szymanek Technical University of Radom, Radom, Poland Author



transport, risk management, structural risk, functional risk


"Four goals and three levels" conception of risk management in transport comes out from triple interpretation the notion of system and from process approach to transport system interpretation. The title of the lecture suggests hierarchical risk management, but it is not so obvious and that is why is better saying about risk management at three levels of transport system: 1. level of system structure elements; 2. level of processes which realize system purposes; 3. level of system "attitude". In presented conception risk is a "multidimensional" constructor and relates all negative effects of transport (NET-s). It is, among the others, about risks: life loss (safety aspect), natural environment degradation, transport congestion arising.


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Original articles

How to Cite

Szymanek, A. (2010). Conception of "4 goals and 3 levels" in risk management in road transport systems. Archives of Transport, 22(3), 359-375.


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