Transmission system model in the track-vehicle relationship based on Long Term Evolution technology




rail traffic, track vehicle, safety, telecommunications, transport, control, operation


Because of degradations of the wired infrastructure connecting the element of railroad control systems, and related primarily to their destruction, the use of the radio transmission medium for independent management of railroad traffic control devices is increasingly being considered. An undoubted problem in implying such solutions is the security of transmission in such systems. It should be noted that security at a certain level of transmission is currently already offered by the radio transmission systems themselves, which has also been used in the GSM-R standard. The creation of a separate dedicated system for railroads involves huge expenditures for the design, testing, certification and, finally, construction and implementation of such technology. Therefore, in the opinion of the author of this dissertation, it is possible to use public open radio networks for the needs of railroads, which significantly reduces costs, since such a system is based on existing infrastructure. It is necessary to develop a way of transmitting information that meets the requirements of secure transmission in the sense of railroad traffic control systems. The task is to develop a general model for open radio transmission in traffic control systems based on the latest public radio standard, which is LTE, 5G or Future Railway Mobile Communications System (FRMCS). The article will present the concept of data transmission in the track–vehicle relationship with the use of LTE (Long Term Evolution) technology. It will show the concept of transmission based on the PN EN50159:2011 standard and the results of the tests conducted during control trips on the railway route. The main element that will be subject to the research will include the transmission safety and its delay. The impact of a type of transmission encryption on its delay will be estimated with the assumed blocks of data sent during the transmission. A probability distribution and density functions of the transmission delay probability distribution with the message sizes in the range from 16B to 10 kB with four ways of the signal encoding according to the PN-EN50159:2011 standard will be also analysed.


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How to Cite

Chrzan, M., Pirosz, P., & Paś, J. (2023). Transmission system model in the track-vehicle relationship based on Long Term Evolution technology. Archives of Transport, 66(2), 89-108.


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