Integrated Approach to Information Analysis for Planning the Transport of Sensitive Cargo


  • Iouri SEMENOV West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Faculty of Maritime Technology and Transport, Szczecin, Poland Author
  • Ludmila FILINA-DAWIDOWICZ West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Faculty of Maritime Technology and Transport, Szczecin, Poland Author
  • Piotr TROJANOWSKI West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Faculty of Maritime Technology and Transport, Szczecin, Poland Author



transport planning, information analysis, sensitive cargo


This article presents the methodology of information analysis, required for planning safe road transport of sensitive cargoes. Based on the literature studies we found that the traditional approaches applied to analyze traffic information are insufficient to ensure safe transport of sensitive loads as they fail to take into account several threatening factors. In addition, the need was noted to develop the procedures that may allow to choose a transport route considering appearance of so-called high-risk zones within road infrastructure, analyze the interdependence of such zones with errors made during the design or operation of road infrastructure and investigate the impact of road traffic on the frequency of road accidents involving Heavy Goods Vehicle. Therefore, article aims to present an integrated approach to traffic information analysis. Thus a multiple stage data ordering procedures were proposed, based on grouping information on accident rates and inclusion of audit results of selected route sections. Considering that transport infrastructure plays an important role in transport safety, the proposed methodology includes the analysis of errors in infrastructure and a merger in the sections the detected risk zones within the road infrastructure in any location. Application of this methodology can improve the planning of road transport of sensitive cargoes. Its verification was carried out on the example of a selected route running through Poland. During the audit of the route, it was found that a number of incorrect design solutions were applied on its separate sections, which may lead to high values of the severity factor for potential collisions and indicator of possible post-accidental losses. As a result of the research, the areas of the route were identified, where high-risk zones are located that threaten the safety of road traffic of vehicles, including those carrying sensitive loads. Research results may be of interest for those, who are involved in planning and organization of sensitive cargo transport, both in domestic and in international relations.


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How to Cite

SEMENOV, I., FILINA-DAWIDOWICZ, L., & TROJANOWSKI, P. (2019). Integrated Approach to Information Analysis for Planning the Transport of Sensitive Cargo. Archives of Transport, 51(3), 64-76.


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