Enhancing road safety with the infrastructure-adaptable NDBA 2.0 concrete median barrier: An Italian experience
concrete safety barrier, road safety, full-scale crash test, road transport, road engineeringAbstract
Road safety is a crucial global concern because of the high number of fatalities and injuries resulting from road crashes each year. Median crossover collisions are among the most dangerous crashes that happen on highways, frequently leading to serious or fatal injuries. The main approach to decreasing the occurrence of these types of crashes is the installation of median barriers. When the need for such installations arises, road agencies must choose from various options, including concrete barriers, cable barriers, or metal-beam guardrails. This paper is dedicated to the New Dynamic Barrier for Highways (NDBA 2.0), an innovative technology for median barriers developed by the Italian National Road Agency (ANAS), emphasizing its pivotal role in enhancing road safety. It incorporates high-tensile steel and advanced composites, offering robust protection while maintaining a lightweight profile. What distinguishes the NDBA 2.0 is its dynamic nature, featuring an intelligent system that seamlessly adapts to the road infrastructure. Its modular construction, with sections of only 200 cm, allows for easy installation and ensures compatibility across successive road segments. This adaptability reduces construction time while maintaining the highest standards of performance. From a road safety perspective, the NDBA 2.0 offers substantial advantages. Its design contributes to minimizing crash-related costs by reducing the severity of crashes, particularly in the transition zones. The barrier's design allows it to adapt to varying road conditions and traffic volumes, effectively addressing common installation challenges on existing roadways as well. Its ability to be directly supported on the road surface wear layer eliminates the need for costly foundation structures, facilitating quick installation and reducing maintenance expenses. The NDBA 2.0 barrier was designed to eliminate the need for future simulations in the design and verification of transitions between different barriers. For this reason, the NDBA 2.0 barrier has been tested in real-world conditions in class H4 and, consequently, is equipped with CE marking. This study offers a comprehensive analysis of the NDBA 2.0 barrier, whose implementation may provide significant benefits for road safety. Continued research, collaboration, and widespread adoption of the NDBA 2.0 barrier can further enhance road safety on a global scale.
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