Emission of a dual-fuel thrbocharged compression ignition engine


  • Andrzej Rózycki Politechnika Radomska, Instytut Eksploatacji Pojazdów i Maszyn, Radom, Poland Author




compression ignition engine, compressed natural gas (CNG), emission


The paper describes the results of a four-cylinder dual fuel turbocharged compression ignition engine. The aim of the study was to determine the maximum CNG share in thefuel mixture delivered into the cylinder. Analysis of the investigation results showed that the CNG energy share in the fuel charge delivered into the cylinder can reach 45%. At that level of CNG energy share a 15% reduction in maximum torque is achieved in comparison with the standard fuelling. The unburnt hydrocarbon emission increases significantly. Emissions of other principal pollutants reach values comparable with those obtained at standard fuelling.


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Original articles

How to Cite

Rózycki, A. (2011). Emission of a dual-fuel thrbocharged compression ignition engine. Archives of Transport, 23(4), 531-540. https://doi.org/10.2478/v10174-011-0036-3


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