The method of the evaluation of the efficiency of the processes carried out at traffic maintenance subsystem posts
means of transport, traffic maintenance subsystem, evaluation of efficiencyAbstract
In the systems of the exploitation of means of transport in order to assure correct carrying out of the assigned transport tasks, it is necessary to maintain the required number of vehicles in the state of task availability. It is obtained as a result of carrying out of service and repair processes at the traffic maintenance subsystem posts. From the point of view of the effectiveness of the operation of the systems of the exploitation of means of transport, the damaged technological objects should be serviced in the shortest possible time. In the case of the system of the exploitation of means of transport the task of the traffic maintenance subsystem is the servicing of the required number of damaged means of transport over the assigned time interval defined by the transport task timetable. One of the methods of the evaluation of the degree of carrying out of the processes at the traffic maintenance subsystem posts is defining the efficiency of the posts of the subsystem. This paper presents the method of defining the efficiency of traffic maintenance subsystem in the system of the exploitation of means of transport measured by the probability value of servicing of the required number of technological objects over the assigned time interval. The resulting characteristics were presented on a general basis as well as in the form of exponential distribution and Erlang distribution. Moreover, for the utilization data obtained in tests carried out in an actual means of transport system the values of the analyzed characteristics were defined. The evaluation of the efficiency of the traffic maintenance subsystem posts may serve as the basis of decision making as to the change of the number and type of the used service and repair posts in the tested system as well as modification of the carried out exploitation strategy. The suggested method may be used for individual post, a group of posts of a given type as well as for a subsystem of traffic maintenance analyzed as a whole.
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