The effect of different marshalling forms on the aerodynamic performance of the freight train under crosswind




freight train, train marshalling, crosswind, aerodynamic drag, lateral force


Different types and quantities of freight cars will affect the marshalling forms of freight trains. In order to investigate the influence of the marshalling forms on the aerodynamic performance of freight trains under crosswind, three types of freight cars such as box cars, gondola cars and tank cars, were selected to marshal with locomotives. This paper used Detached Eddy Simulation method (DES) based on the SST k-ω turbulent model to simulate the aerodynamic performance of the freight train under crosswind. The wind speed, wind angle and train running speed were set as 25m/s, 45° and 100km/h respectively. The influence of different marshalling forms on the aerodynamic performance of the freight train such as aerodynamic drag and lateral force were calculated and compared. The results showed that the marshalling forms have significant effect on the aerodynamic drag and the maximum difference of the aerodynamic drag can reach 20.5%. Furthermore, the variations of the lateral force of the whole train and the locomotive are not apparent. The maximum difference is only 4.3% and 4.1% respectively. However, the changes of marshalling forms have obvious influence on the lateral force of each carriage. The maximum difference of the lateral force of the box car, gondola car and tank car is 17%, 20.1% and 24.1% respectively. The essential reason why the marshalling forms has a significant impact on the aerodynamic performance of the freight train is that there are obvious differences in the volume and shape structure of each railway carriage. The large volume of box cars and the cavity structure of gondola cars make their position a key factor affecting the aerodynamic performance of freight trains. Among the six different marshalling forms selected in this paper, the best marshalling form is: locomotive--gondola car--box car--tank car. Both the aerodynamic drag of the train and the lateral force of the boxcar are the smallest by taking this marshalling form.


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How to Cite

Xie, Z., Wu, Z., Zhu, L., & Ding, W. (2021). The effect of different marshalling forms on the aerodynamic performance of the freight train under crosswind. Archives of Transport, 59(3), 57-71.


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