Analysis of the causes and effects of cyclist-pedestrian accidents in biggest Polish cities
traffic accident, traffic incident, vulnerable traffic, user, traffic userAbstract
Traffic incidents between pedestrians and cyclists result in an incomparably smaller number of victims (injured and killed) than accidents between unprotected traffic participants and other vehicles. However, such incidents cannot be underestimated, as in most cases they take place on elements of infrastructure designed for pedestrians and cyclists, and thus negatively affect the sense of safety of users in places where they should not only feel safe but also comfortable. This paper presents an analysis of such traffic incidents, aimed at recognizing the share of pedestrians and cyclists as perpetrators and also victims of accidents. Three research hypotheses were examined: that the type of infrastructure and also light and weather conditions influences the structure of perpetrators and victims, that the proportion of accidents between pedestrians and cyclists caused by pedestrians is increasing, and that the proportion of victims of accidents between pedestrians and cyclists in the pedestrian group is decreasing. Analyses were performed based on the number of traffic incidents involving cyclists and pedestrians in the six largest Polish cities, registered in the Police Accident and Collision Records System. A total of 1,702 incidents involving 1,034 injured and killed people in years 2007-2018 were considered. Each traffic incident was considered individually, taking into account changes in perpetrator and victim proportions depending on the type and purpose of the infrastructure and external conditions, as well as variability of these proportions over subsequent years. The tools of mathematical statistics were used, including – among others - significance tests for independent proportions and Chisquared test for trend. On the basis of the conducted statistical analyses, all research hypothesis were proved. It also confirmed that although the proportions are changing, there are still much more traffic incidents are caused by cyclists, but more victims are in group of pedestrians. The results of the research confirm the need to take action to develop effective mechanisms of mutual interaction between pedestrians and cyclists. Especially in view of the growing bicycle traffic in Polish cities.
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