Determination of the working energy capacity of the on-board energy storage system of an electric locomotive for quarry railway transport during working with a limitation of consumed power
railway transport, electric locomotive, energy storage system, traction drive, induction motorAbstract
The use of specialized rail rolling stock which is used for transporting ore from the quarry to the crushing plant at mining enterprises is analyzed here. Electric locomotives with an asynchronous traction electric drive and an on-board energy storage system are considered for use. The calculated dependencies of the electric locomotive tractive power were analyzed and it was established that on flat sections of the track profile, the movement is carried out with a power that does not exceed 50% of the nominal one. The movement with the nominal power is carried out on the controlled uphill during the cargo half-passage. To ensure the necessary power for movement in such areas, the use of an on-board energy storage system is proposed, which should feed the traction system while limiting the power consumed from the catenary. This happens when the voltage on the pantograph drops to a minimum level. The aim of this work is to determine the on-board energy storage system parameters during the operation of the electric locomotive with limitation of the power consumed from the traction network. Mathematical models of the energy exchange processes in the electric locomotive traction system have been developed. The criteria for comparing options for calculating the parameters of the on-board energy storage system have been proposed. The criteria take into account the reduction of energy consumption during movement, the efficiency of energy storage, and the complete use of the on-board energy storage system in terms of power and working energy capacity. Based on the calculation results, it was determined that the use of an energy storage device with a power of 3,540 kW and an operating energy capacity of 63.5 kWh provides a 10% reduction in energy consumption, which is being consumed while moving along the sample section of the road. The current that can be consumed by an electric locomotive with such parameters of the on-board energy storage system is limited by 600 A.
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