Mechanisms for increasing of transportation efficiency using joint service of logistics systems


  • Galkin Andrii Author



material flows, transportation services, investments, present value, synergists


More and more attention become to Transport Company’s functioning efficiency due to growing of goods’ nomenclature and specific requirements for their service. Existing scientific and practical approaches to managing of transportation process consider separate service of each contract individually. Up-today requirements for transportation services complicate such evaluation. These requirements primarily include transportation frequency and volumes variation in each logistics system due to seasonal consumption of material flows. Different seasonality leads to irrational use of vehicles and decrees of their efficiency. All this gives rise to the mechanism of compatible transportation service of numerous logistics systems and their material flows by any enterprise. The paper consist of next sections the analysis of scientific framework and methods on the transportation services, fleet estimation, efficiency evaluations, analysis of requirements of transportation services; Mechanism of joint transportation services; Modelling of transportation services in logistics systems, where joint efficiency estimation of transportation functioning and logistics system and conclusions. The proposed methods and tools in the complex allow to identify and evaluate the effectiveness of the joint motor transport service of logistic systems by own and hired vehicles compared to the separate on the basis of performance indicators, which vary depending on the technological parameters: transport distances, runway usage factor, cargo class, load capacity of motor vehicles . The offered approach will reveal: regularities of change of indicators of efficiency of variants of the joint motor transport service between the traditional approach (a separate calculation of efficiency for each logistics system) and the proposed (calculation of compatible services), which allows to determine the equivalent cost of transport services during motor transport maintenance of material flows. The calculations confirm the effect of use compared to the separate combined transportation of material flows, which will be shown in reducing the required amount of vehicles by 31,8% and increasing efficiency from 5% to 60%, depending on the initial values of the transportation services parameters. The results of the project can be used in the formation of a freight vehicle fleet of any enterprise that is faced with the issue of hiring transport or have its own, PL providers, transport companies, and others.


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How to Cite

Andrii, G. (2019). Mechanisms for increasing of transportation efficiency using joint service of logistics systems. Archives of Transport, 49(1), 7-24.


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